Call for Posters and Demos


Over the past decade, the ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐based Systems (DEBS) has become the premier venue for academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research of event-based computing related to Big Data, AI/ML, IoT and Distributed Systems. The objectives of the ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐Based Systems (DEBS) are to provide a forum dedicated to the dissemination of original research, the discussion of practical insights, and the reporting of experiences relevant to distributed systems and event‐based computing. The conference aims at providing a forum for academia and industry to exchange ideas.


Demonstrations present first-hand experience with research prototypes or operational systems. Demonstrations also provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing event-based systems and to obtain feedback from expert users. Demonstration submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in the scope of the conference. The authors are expected to prepare a poster and perform a live software demonstration. Demonstration submissions describe in 4 pages, following the ACM format for the conference proceedings, the objectives and findings addressed by the demonstration. In addition, authors should describe in a clearly marked appendix, the setup of the demonstration and the requirements. Accepted contributions will be published (excluding the appendix) by ACM and disseminated through the ACM Digital Library.


Poster presentations offer researchers an excellent forum to present and discuss preliminary research findings as well as novel and original ideas related to DEBS. Submissions describe ideas, approaches, and possibly preliminary findings, following the ACM format for the conference proceedings using up to 2 pages. Accepted contributions will be published by ACM and disseminated through the ACM Digital Library.

Important Dates

  • Poster and demo paper submissions April 22nd May 3rd, 2019
  • Author notification May 9th May 12th, 2019
  • Camera ready deadline May 18th, 2019
  • Conference June 24-28th, 2019
  • Submissions

    Posters and demos need to be exhibited by an author at the conference venue as part of the demo and poster session. To submit a demo, please add "Demo:" at the beginning of the manuscript's title. To submit a poster abstract, please add "Poster:" at the beginning of the manuscript's title. Only PDF documents will be accepted and should be submitted through the DEBS 2019 submission site. You may include links to additional online material such as videos. Links to videos showing the demonstration are encouraged.

    Important Dates

    Abstract submission for research track February 19th March 8th, 2019
    Research and Industry paper submission February 26th March 8th, 2019
    Tutorial proposal submission March 22nd April 5, 2019
    Grand challenge solution submission April 7th April 22nd, 2019
    Author notification research and industry track April 9th April 19th, 2019
    Poster, demo & doctoral symposium submission April 22nd May 3rd, 2019
    Early registration May 31st, 2019